
  • 17.7. Pocket Preacher – Showcase

    17.7. Pocket Preacher – Showcase

    After 3 months of residence at Westbahnstudios, Mandy Mozart is showcasing their progress on the artwork “Pocket Preacher,” which consists of a music album for choir and electronics, a graphic novel, an art film, and an immersive live performance. “Pocket Preacher – Awakening,” the first edition on preview, is an audiovisual journey of a pope-like…

  • Movie Reactions 1. Staffel/1. Folge: Eisenberger

    Movie Reactions 1. Staffel/1. Folge: Eisenberger

    Willkommen zu unserer ersten Podcast-Episode! Heute nehmen wir euch mit auf eine unerwartete Reise in die Welt des Kinos. Der Film, über den wir sprechen werden, war wirklich nicht meine Wahl – dafür kann ich Peter danken. Wir erwarten eine Tortur: Ein schweizerischer Film, hoffentlich ohne Dialekt, und oh mein Gott, es geht um einen…

  • Power Fudge

    Power Fudge

    Power Fudge, by Flávia Mudesto explores the North American Western-genre, recognizing the landscapes as produced within northern narratives. Central in this exploration is the image of unowned land, that is based on the imperial fantasy of the belonging of land, and was created to justify and glorify the exploitation of land that was inhabited by…